On Fifth Anniversary of Assad Regime’s Chemical Weapons Attack On Douma
Today marks the fifth anniversary of the heinous chemical attack perpetrated by the Assad regime in Douma, a town in ...
Today marks the fifth anniversary of the heinous chemical attack perpetrated by the Assad regime in Douma, a town in ...
The Syrian Opposition Coalition points out that the measures the US State Department announced in a statement on Monday, October ...
The Syrian-Turkish Joint Committee organized a consultative meeting between President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition, Nasr Al-Hariri, and Syrian journalists ...
Today marks the seventh anniversary of the deadly chemical attack the Assad regime launched against civilians in eastern Ghouta with ...
The Syrian Opposition Coalition’s (SOC) Office of Syrian Communities Abroad held a virtual meeting with the Council of Syrian Community ...
President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), Nasr Al-Hariri, held a virtual meeting with the French envoy to Syria, François ...
President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), Nasr al-Hariri, held a conversation with Syrian journalists and activists which focused on ...
The executive branch of the world’s chemical weapons watchdog on Thursday condemned the use of banned sarin and chlorine bombs ...
Preserving independence and national sovereignty and maintaining the Syrian people's unity within the same Syrian soil is one of the critical pillars of the Syrian Coalition. The Coalition aims to overthrow the Assad regime along with all its symbols and pillars. It also aims to dismantle its security apparatus and hold accountable those involved in crimes against Syrians. In addition, it seeks to achieve a transition to a pluralistic, democratic and civil Syria.