President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), Hadi Al-Bahra, alongside Vice-Presidents Abdel Majeed Barakat and Abdel Hakim Bashar, engaged in a significant social networking event hosted by a Syrian Turkmen Conglomerate in Rael in the Aleppo countryside.
The gathering saw the participation of members from the SOC’s political committee and General Assembly, alongside Mahmoud Suleiman, head of the Syrian Turkmen Conglomerate, and various members of the conglomerate. Also in attendance were local Arab and Kurdish dignitaries, business figures, industrialists, and representatives from unions and local councils.
Al-Bahra emphasized the importance of such events in uniting diverse segments of Syrian society, providing platforms for earnest dialogue on homeland issues, challenges, and aspirations. He highlighted how the journey of internal displacement, despite its hardships, facilitated mutual understanding among Syrians, enriching the nation’s cultural heritage and unveiling the Assad regime’s divisive schemes.
Advocating for equal citizenship rights, Al-Bahra underscored the need for a Syria where all citizens are equal, irrespective of any distinctions, fostering cultural identity and embracing the nation’s rich diversity.
Addressing recent developments and the political process, Al-Bahra stressed the imperative of collaborative efforts towards alleviating Syrian suffering and realizing aspirations for justice, freedom, equality, and democracy. He emphasized the transition from aid provision to economic development in northern Syria to encourage Syrians to remain in their homeland.
However, Al-Bahra noted a waning international interest in Syria amidst competing global crises and economic strains, underscoring the SOC’s role in advocating for Syrian interests at international forums like the upcoming Brussels conference.
Vice President Abdul Hakim Bashar echoed Al-Bahra’s sentiments, condemning the Assad regime’s divisive tactics and emphasizing the revolution’s role in fostering unity among Syrians. He called for accountability for war crimes and labeled the regime as a failed entity turned exporter of terrorism and illicit drugs.
Vice President Abdul Majeed Barakat emphasized the significance of ongoing events and the preservation of a united Syrian national front, symbolizing the nation’s moral integrity.
Attendees highlighted the importance of such gatherings in shaping a collective leadership for Syria’s future, acknowledging obstacles hindering progress in liberated areas and the necessity for coordinated efforts and reforms to harness local resources effectively.
(Source: SOC’s Media Department)