Press release
Syrian Opposition Coalition
Department of Media and Communications
November 16, 2021
The latest round of sanctions that the European Union slammed against recently-appointed ministers in the Assad regime’s government represent a positive move by the European Union and its sates that are major players in Syria. The move came to confirm that these states will maintain their positions towards the Assad regime and its crimes.
The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) expresses its appreciation for the consistent European position towards the Assad regime’s crimes and violations, its continuous disruption of the political process, and its refusal to implement UN resolutions. Despite the importance of these sanctions and previous packages of sanctions, they are short of forcing the Assad regime to respect UN resolutions.
The active countries in the European Union, in addition to the United States and Britain, are the parties that are able to change this reality. Additional steps are necessary to put an end to crime, murder and disruption, and to confront the parties supporting the Assad regime and aiding it in its crimes and which are directly responsible for the current situation in Syria.
The past ten years provide clear evidence on the Assad regime’s ability to circumvent and manipulate sanctions. Recent reports revealed that the regime has managed during the past year to seize more than half the value of UN aid by manipulating the exchange rate of the US dollar. Shell companies and commercial facades are covering up the activities of sanctioned entities and individuals, while some are suspected of being involved in drug trafficking.
The SOC renews its call on all international parties to assume their responsibilities and work to establish a strict international mechanism, in which the sanctions imposed on the regime are combined with practical measures with a specific time frame. Such mechanism is key to ensuring an end the carnage in Syria, the suffering of tens of thousands of detainees in the Assad regime’s prisons, ensuring the safe return of refugees and the IDPs, and ensuring the implementation of UN resolutions, especially Resolution 2254.