Media Note
Syrian Coalition
New York
September 29, 2014
President of the Syrian Coalition Hadi Al-Bahra will be on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Monday, September 29 on Comedy Central at 11 PM EST. President Al-Bahra will discuss the moderate opposition’s two front war against Assad and ISIS, and the US-led airstrikes on extremists.
Leaders and senior officials from more than a dozen countries, including the United States, have met with al-Bahra to discuss the international effort to destroy ISIS and dictator Bashar al-Assad, who sponsored the creation of the terrorist group.
President al-Bahra, who is in New York for the annual opening session of the United Nations General Assembly, has previously been interviewed by correspondents and anchors of news programs on PBS, CNN, ABC and CBS.
Join the discussion on Twitter during the show by using the hashtag #DailyShowSyria, and following @hadialbahra, @SOC_DC, @SyriaUN, @SyrCoalition and @TheDailyShow.