Press release
Syrian Opposition Coalition – Syria
Department of Media and Communications
July 08, 2020
Russia and China’s use of their veto power on the UN Security Council on Tuesday to block a joint German-Belgian draft resolution on extending the delivery of UN relief aid to Syria through border crossings outside the Assad regime’s control constitutes a major crime against millions of Syrian civilians in urgent need of aid.
The Russian-Chinese stance represents organized political terrorism that has been ongoing at the UN Security Council for several years. Active Council members and major permanent members are today overseeing and participating in committing crimes against humanity and war crimes and covering them up. The Council submits to these member states’ opinion on the fate of the victims!
The veto power has turned into a weapon no less lethal than the weapons of mass destruction by which people are being targeted, killed, detained and displaced from their homes. The international community is obliged to put an end to this farce as it is unreasonable for murderers to have a decisive opinion on the fate of the victims.
Russia is a major party in the crimes and violations affecting the Syrian people. It must therefore be deprived of any right to vote on any resolution related to the Syrian issue, especially the draft resolutions on humanitarian aid and civilians’ livelihoods as well as those related to obstructing a political solution and preventing the prosecution of criminals. As Russia is a party to the conflict, the murderer cannot play the role of the judge.
The Assad regime is seeking to monopolize aid and use it as a weapon in its war against the people, especially in light of international sanctions and the implementation of the Caesar Act.
It is imperative that the international community overcome the gridlock at the UN Security Council as it aggravates the crisis and causes the catastrophe to escalate. This can be done by establishing an alternative mechanism to ensure humanitarian access for all those need in Syria and create the appropriate conditions for the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 2254.