Press Release Original in Arabic
Syrian Coalition
April 17, 2016
The Syrian National Coalition reaffirms its full commitment to a political solution in Syria and its support for the opposition’s High Negotiations Committee (HNC). The Coalition stresses that political transition in Syria must be aimed specifically at the formation of a transitional governing body in line with the Geneva Communiqué of 2012 and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
The Syrian Coalition, as a representative of the Syrian people, will not accept any proposals for political transition that depart from plans put forward in international resolutions, nor will it accept any such proposals to be on the agenda for negotiations. Such proposals will not materialize on the ground.
Any arrangements that do not have at their core the formation of a transitional governing body- as set out in the relevant UN resolutions on Syria- will have the Syrian Coalition take certain measures including the suspension of the participation of its members in the High Negotiations Committee as well as its members in the negotiating delegation currently representing the opposition in Geneva.
The Syrian Coalition does not rule any option out should the Assad regime carry on with its crimes and the UN special envoy persist with his lack of commitment to the mission entrusted to him by the United Nations.