Head of the delegation of the opposition’s High Negotiations Committee (HNC) Nasr al-Hariri stressed that the forces representing the revolution have united themselves and can now begin direct negotiations with the Assad regime in order to launch political talks on the basis of UN resolutions.
Hariri told a news conference in Riyadh Friday that the opposition was going to Geneva to hold direct talks and was ready to discuss “everything on the negotiating table.”
Hariri reaffirmed the opposition’s commitment to the fundamental principles of the Syrian revolution and said they were serious about establishing a Transitional Governing Body (TGB) without the head of the regime, Bashar al-Assad. He called for UN supervision of any talks to resolve the conflict in Syria.
Hariri pointed out that Russia’s proposal to hold a conference in the city of Sochi did not serve the political process, adding that all talks on Syria should be held under the UN auspices.
Hariri called on the international community, including Russia, to concentrate all efforts to serve the political process according to international resolutions in Geneva under UN auspices so as to save time and reach the desired solution.
Hariri noted that the upcoming round of negotiations in Geneva should be direct and serious as well as according to a clear agenda, calling for all issues to be put on the negotiations table.
Hariri said that the Riyadh II meeting was an important step that had put the international community to the test as there was no longer an excuse preventing the Assad regime from engaging in direct negotiations to bring about political transition according to the international resolutions. (Source: Syrian Coalition’s Media Department)