Alhoula local council called upon the international community and the United Nations to intervene in order to stop the onslaught by regime forces and the so-called National Defense Forces on the area, especially on the town of Aqrab.
In a statement released on Tuesday, the council warned of potential massacres by pro-regime forces in Aqrab, the town located in northern rural Homs and which links the Alhoula area to southern Hama province.
The council reiterated commitment by the FSA groups based in area to stick to the cessation of hostilities agreement. It pointed out that regime forces have been trying to break into the town since Tuesday morning in a clear violation of the truce. The council also said that over 4,000 civilians, mostly women and children, have been forced to flee to inside Alhoula area since Tuesday morning.
Despite heavy shelling by regime forces, the FSA groups managed to repel the attacks on the towns of Aqrab and the nearby town of Khirbet Jamea, the main supply route to the rebel-held areas in northern rural Homs.
The two towns have been recently hit with an average of 25 airstrikes a day as well as with artillery and rockets shelling by regime checkpoints surrounding the area. (Source: Syrian Coalition + Agencies)