The Syrian interim government held its 29th periodic meeting on Friday and Saturday in its headquarters in Gaziantep, Turkey. Ahmad Tomeh, Interim Prime Minister, began the meeting by referring to the importance of the work of the recently-formed committee for the re-evaluation of the status of staff workers and their salaries, pointing to the need to correct the previous errors related to the recruitment process in the Interim Government. The meeting discussed a project to print textbooks for students in areas beyond the control of the Assad regime. It is estimated that the project will cost around $2.5 million USD to print five million textbooks, but the Interim Government budgeted an initial amount of $600,000 USD, pending the preparation of a thorough study of the project as soon as possible. The Interim Government also budgeted $125,550 USD to support the schools of Syrian students in the cities of Arbil, Sulaymaniyah and Dohuk in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Moreover, $80,500 USD were budgeted for the rehabilitation of the electricity grid in the town of Dael in Dara’a province, in addition to $54,150 USD to repair the electricity grid in the town of Kafranbel in rural Idlib, and $55,000 USD to purchase a magnetic resonance imaging device for the Directorate of Health in Dara’a. (Source: Syrian Interim Government)