The Moadamiya local council denied announcement by pro-regime media outlets that relief aid convoys entered the town via the Syrian Arab Red Crescent.
In a statement released on Friday, the council said that the blockade imposed by regime forces for over three years is still in place, adding that nobody is allowed to get in or out of the town located west of Damascus.
The council called upon the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the United Nations organizations to assume their responsibilities and send teams to the town to assess the situation there. It warned of an imminent humanitarian disaster threatening the lives of more than 45,000 civilians trapped in the town.
The Assad regime continues to hinder the introduction of aid to besieged areas in violation of UN Security Council resolutions 2254 and 2268, which call for lifting the siege on all besieged areas; allowing access for humanitarian aid; stopping attacks on civilians and releasing detainees.
On May 12, regime forces refused entry of relief aid to the besieged town of Daryaa near Damascus.
The council pointed out that regime forces on Friday shelled the town with mortar killing a father and his son. (Source: Syrian Coalition)