Activists confirmed the PYD militias continue to terrorize the civilian population in Al-Hasaka province including murder, displacement, confiscation of land, burning of houses, and preventing residents from returning to their homes, especially in the Al-Hawl area.
Activists also said that a child was killed and many others injured when the PYD militias shot at a protest organized by locals in Al-Hawl area in Al-Hasaka province on Saturday.
According to local activists, nearly 3,000 protestors marched from the town of Um Hajera to the town of Al-Hawl where the PYD militias is preventing the local residents to move outside the town where they experience difficult living conditions.
Activists identified the child killed as 14 year old Bilal Mujhem al-Tallaa. Two others were injured when the PYD used live rounds against the protestors.
The locals said that the PYD militias had confiscated nearly 450 hectares of arable land in Al-Hawl area and leased it out to the Al-Sanadid militias, one of their allied militias in the Al-Hasaka province.
Locals also said that the PYD militias threatened to break up any future protests and that they said they would storm the villages that shelter the displaced population in the province.
This is the third time residents of Al-Hawl area hold protests against the PYD militias who continue to prevent them from returning to their homes, activists said. The locals fled their homes as a result of the battles that were fought between the PYD militias and ISIS over the past few months.
The PYD militias also forced thousands of residents of Al-Hawl area to leave their homes at gunpoint. Locals are now living in extremely difficult humanitarian situation due to poverty, homelessness and lack of food after the PYD militias looted their properties. The PYD continues to prevent the locals from returning to their farmlands. (Source: Syrian Coalition + Shaam News Network)