The Syrian Coalition’s Supreme Hajj Committee on Sunday completed “For You Aleppo” fundraising campaign which was launched in mid-December to raise funds for the people of eastern Aleppo after they had been forced out of their homes by the Assad regime and its allies.
In its final report about the campaign, the Committee said that it helped partially furnish and equip a camp for the people displaced from eastern Aleppo. The camp was set up by the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) and the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD). The Committee said it helped provide the camp with blankets, mattresses, and heaters, adding that the number of beneficiaries of the campaign money reached up to 500 families; around 2500 people.
The Committee pointed out that the campaign was run by its offices and staff who collected the donations, adding that 41,079 US dollars and 37,030 Turkish liras was raised between 15-24 December. It pointed out that the money was handed over to the IHH relief organization which took on the procurement of aid items.
The Committee launched the campaign “out of a sense of responsibility towards the Syrian people who have risen up against injustice and tyranny.” It said it appealed to people traveling to Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah to donate to their Syrian brothers to alleviate their suffering.
The displacement of the people of eastern Aleppo was complete on Saturday after a three-month siege and brutal, indiscriminate bombardment by the Assad regime and its allies using all types of weapons, including internationally banned ones. The ferocious onslaught on Aleppo left over 1,500 people killed and 7,000 injured, including women and children.
The Syrian Coalition stressed that the evacuation of residents of eastern Aleppo amounts to mass forced displacement and a war crime under international humanitarian law, adding that it agreed to the evacuation deal only to save the lives of tens of thousands of civilians trapped in the besieged city. (Source: Syrian Coalition’s Media Office)