Al-Mustaqbal Movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri snapped back at Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah late Tuesday, accusing him of acting as the owner of Lebanese territories. “Sayyed Hassan is dealing with the Lebanese border region in the South, East, Bekaa and the North as territories owned by Hezbollah, in which it moves as it wishes and buys and sells wars according to its will,” Hariri said.
“The Lebanese government, army and popular majority, are not concerned by the calls to fight and organize battles in the Qalamoun hills, and Hezbollah alone bears the consequences of getting involved in the war to serve the military agenda of Bashar al-Assad,” he added.
The Mustaqbal leader stressed that Nasrallah believes “there is no place for the army, the government and institutions. Hezbollah is the alternative to all these and will substitute for them in going to war in Qalamoun.”
“It is pointless to launch stubbornly new rounds of wars, and impose on the country and the legitimate institutions the consequences of disabling the Baabda declaration and the reckless policies of Hezbollah.”
“Who can guarantee the safety of the Lebanese soldiers kidnapped by Nusra and Daesh in the event of a Lebanese participation in the battle? – What will be the repercussions of the Lebanese participation on the Lebanese border villages, and how can the Lebanese State and its forces act if the Lebanese areas were exposed to military attacks and counter bombing?”
“No power in the world, not Hezbollah or the Iranian Revolutionary Guards or the thousands of tons of explosive barrels as well as the elite forces, the Pasdaran or the other Iranian military exports, would be able to protect Bashar Assad from his fall. This is the logic of history, which will never forgive a person responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of his own people,” Hariri stresses.
“The responsibilities that Lebanon shoulders as a result of the heavy Syrian displacement caused by the military acts in Syria, including the acts carried out by Hezbollah in Homs, Qusair, Qalamoun and the towns bordering the Eastern chain, are responsibilities that exceed Lebanon’s ability.”
“Hezbollah, as we read and hear every day, is rallying weapons and militants to start the battle, and using the Lebanese border, without anyone controlling its movements, in a new round of involvement in the Syrian war, which only aims to protect Bashar al-Assad’s western wing, in light of the military collapse of the regime’s army in many areas in Syria.”
“Hezbollah, as usual, will not hear the advice of its partners in the country, and will ignore the Lebanese warnings against importing the Syrian fire to Lebanon. We, too, will not stop firing the alarm, and we ask all those who are cheering for the Qalamoun war and covering it, the following questions: – Will this battle take place inside Syrian territory or over Lebanese territory? If inside Syrian territory, what calls for more Lebanese involvement in it? In addition, if it will take place on the Lebanese territory, is there a Lebanese decision to hand over the command of the border to illegitimate armed parties?”
With the Hezbollah militia ramping up forces to assault the area of Al Qalamoun northwest of Damascus, member of the political committee Badr Jamous warns of possible massacres against the civilian population of the area.
“The thuggish behavior of this Iranian-backed militia in Lebanon requires an Arab and international response. Watching Nasrallah issuing threats and announcing the assault on Qalamoun through the media, one gets the impression that he has got an international green light to go further in the aggression inside Syria’s territory in utter disregard for all international laws and conventions,” Jamous said.
He calls on the Lebanese government and army to assume their responsibilities and control the border with Syria at minimum and end to Hezbollah’s repeated aggressions against the Syrian people.
He concluded his remarks saluting rebels who are standing steadfast in Qalamoun, expressing confidence in their bravery and ability continue to protect civilians and battle the Assad regime and its allies till the goals of the Syrian Revolution are achieved. (Source: Syrian Coalition)