Lebanese Interior Minister Nihad al-Mashnouq said that Hezbollah’s involvement in the war in Syria will trigger a historic conflict regardless of its consequences, stressing that the Assad regime that caused the deaths of 250,000 people has lost all chances to survive. “Assad can continue with the murder, but he will never be able to govern Syria again,” Mashnouq said.
“Assad no longer has any influence in Lebanon, not even in Syria, and the Iranians now have the upper hand in Syria,” he added.
He also said that the Lebanese government succeeded in fortifying Lebanon and protect it from the spillover of the war in Syria, adding that Hezbollah and Aoun’s current are to blame for refusing to move the border regime camps under different pretexts, most notably their fear of resettlement of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon. He pointed out that Syrian refugees are being encouraged to leave Arsal to the Bekaa camps, but this needs financial support, which “we will seek to secure through the upcoming donors conference in Kuwait.”
President Khoja said that “the Free Syrian Army does not fight the Assad regime only, but also the Iranian regime, emphasising that Assad is just an Iranian puppet who serves its interests. He added that the time would come when Iran will eventually abandon Assad just as it did with Al-Maliki in Iraq.” (Source: Syrian Coalition + Agencies)