Press release
Syrian Coalition
Department of Media and Communications
March 20, 2019
The anniversary of the revolution which started in Dara’a, one of its icons, the day when it lost its first fallen hero, the day all spectra of the Syrian people decided to destroy the walls of fear and to demand freedom, dignity and justice: a fundamental right against the regime of cronyism and tyranny.
It is the glorious Syrian day, the day when the revolution for freedom and dignity broke out in its cradle of Dara’a and when Syrians showed steely determination to regain their basic rights and establish a state that is based on justice, pluralism, and equality.
The month of March was the culmination of the Syrian people’s decades-long struggle in which tens of thousands were killed, detained and persecuted. It marked a major watershed in the long, legendary, and peaceful, resistance against the forces of oppression, terrorism, sectarianism, cronyism, and hatred of the Assad regime. March marked the beginning of the struggle that swept across all Syrian cities, towns and villages. Over the past eight years, the Syrian people have shown heroism of epic proportions.
The heroes of Dara’a, Homs and all the Syrian people are today reaffirming their commitment to the revolution as they are once again taking to the streets to reaffirm that the revolution continues and that Syria will never again be under the yoke of injustice and enslavement. Dara’a, the birthplace of the revolution, will serve as the decisive factor in ending the suffering of the Syrian people and the launch pad for building the new Syrian state.
On this momentous occasion, we all need to strengthen our resolve, overcome all feelings of despair, carry out courageous reviews to correct the mistakes, and consolidate the slogan of national unity by rallying all Syrians from all affiliations around the national, revolutionary line. It is an occasion to take the revolution back to its peaceful and popular spirit as well as to its rallying cry: the Syrian people are one.
The secret behind the continuation of the revolution and its overcoming of all obstacles and complications is that it represents the conscience and aspirations of the Syrian people as well as their right to freedom, dignity and justice and the establishment of a state that expresses their will.
The detainees, missing persons, and the displaced persons as well as all spectra of the Syrian people are always in our hearts. They are our top priority as we raise their issue in every occasion and meeting. We affirm that the work for the release of detainees, the disclosure of the fate of missing persons, and guaranteeing the rights of refugees and the preservation of their dignity is a sacred duty that we will never shirk.
The Syrian people have the necessary sources of strength to go forward in their struggle. They have already achieved important goals and overcome many obstacles thanks to popular and political awareness as well as to the sacrifices of the Free National Army which fought on various fronts and confronted the regime and terrorist organizations in all their names and forms and expelled them from large areas of northern Syria. Today, we are in urgent need of a national unanimity that strengthens our ability to impose a just political solution in which the murderers and all those whose hands are stained with the blood of the Syrian people have no place. We will insist on bringing them to the International Criminal Court to receive the punishment they deserve.
The spirit of the revolution is revived with every new anniversary. Commitment is also renewed to continue the work towards achieving the goals of the revolution. The Syrian people are creating more means and tools to continue with the revolution.
All our efforts will be focused on achieving the goals of the revolution of building a free, democratic system of rule that respects human dignity and safeguards human rights.
May our wounded recover, our detainees be free, and our fallen rest in peace.
Long live Syria and the Syrian people, free and with honor.