Press release
Syrian Opposition Coalition
Department of Media and Communications
February 16, 2022
The heinous crime that the PYD terrorist militia committed in the town of Azaz in rural Aleppo on Tuesday has revealed the true nature of this criminal militia which does not discriminate in its crimes between civilian and military targets.
The PYD militia shelled a popular market and a public park in Azaz with rockets, which resulted in civilian casualties, including two students of the Free Aleppo University.
This heinous crime coincided with the anniversary of the arrest of the terrorist Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the PKK terrorist organization. The attack also came as an act of revenge against the Syrian people who reject the presence of this terrorist organization on their land and who demand its withdrawal from all Syrian territory.
The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) calls on the international community to rein in this terrorist group. It also demands real international cooperation in order to confront this militia, stop supporting it, and stop covering its actions no matter the pretext.
The SOC calls on the Syrian National Army to confront this terrorist group and deal it the punishment it deserves in order to stop its terror against civilians and to prevent it from further destabilizing northern Syria.
We extend our sincere condolences to the families of the victims as we wish the wounded a speedy recovery. Putting an end to the crimes of this terrorist militia and of the Assad regime is possible if international and regional parties assume their responsibilities in accordance with UN resolutions.