Press Release
Syrian Opposition Coalition
Department of Media and Communications
December 16, 2024
The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), continuing its efforts after the fall of the criminal regime to achieve the full goals of the revolution and meet the Syrian people’s aspirations for justice, freedom, and democracy, clarifies the following:
· With the regime’s military downfall, the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2254 is now exclusively in the hands of revolution forces representing Syria’s political, civil, and military components across all its diverse groups. The absence of the former regime means no entity can obstruct its execution, making it in the interest of the Syrian people and revolution forces to complete it as quickly as possible.
· The SOC rejects any guardianship over a free Syria and its proud people. It affirms that the implementation of UN Resolution 2254 must occur through a Syrian-led and owned political process, facilitated through Syrian-Syrian dialogue. UN Resolution 2254 does not grant the United Nations the right to oversee the political process. Its role is limited to facilitation and providing advisory services and expertise, only when needed and requested by the Syrians.
· The SOC supports the interim government formed by Mohammed Al-Bashir following the military overthrow of the former regime. This government is necessary as a temporary executive authority to operate state institutions and deliver services to the people until early March, as stated in its formation announcement.
· UNSC Resolution 2254 outlines the criteria for forming the Transitional Governing Body (the transitional government). Any authority, council, or constituent assembly formed during the transitional phase must represent all components of Syrian society, be credible, and avoid sectarianism.
UNSCR Resolution 2254 outlined the tasks that the Transitional Governing Body (the Transitional Government) must accomplish, which are:
1. Drafting a new constitution through a constituent assembly elected or formed with facilitation by the transitional government.
2. Establishing a neutral and secure environment to conduct elections.
3. Submitting the new constitution for a public referendum.
4. Facilitating free and fair elections for the people to choose their representatives in parliament and the president, as outlined in the new constitution.
The resolution limits the transitional period to no more than 18 months.
· The SOC emphasizes that, according to international standards, the constitutional drafting committee cannot fall under the authority of the executive power controlling governance. Instead, it must report to the constituent assembly, with the Syrian people having the ultimate say on the constitution’s approval or rejection through a general referendum.
· The SOC clarifies that specific measures can facilitate and expedite international recognition of the transitional government. These measures will help lift sanctions, enable economic aid, and attract investments. The lifting of sanctions is contingent on progress in completing the steps of political transition in accordance with UN Resolution 2254.
· The Syrian revolution forces’ commitment to implementing UN Resolution 2254 reassures the international community about the future of the Syrian state and political system. This commitment ensures Syria will neither drift toward extremism nor replicate a new dictatorship or marginalize any of its diverse components.
· The collaboration of national military and political forces is essential in this phase to establish a new Syria based on sound principles that ensure stability, prosperity, and the well-being of the Syrian people. Such cooperation will prevent future generations from experiencing similar authoritarian eras and avert further sacrifices that could result from negligence or inaction that might allow the reemergence of the old regime or its equivalent.
In this context, the SOC underscores the necessity of prosecuting all war criminals who committed atrocities against the Syrian people and bringing them to justice.