Press release
Syrian Opposition Coalition
Department of Media and Communications
November 14, 2021
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through its permanent representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Abdallah Al-Mouallimi, reaffirmed its commitment to the Arab League’s resolutions and its rejection of bids for the normalization of ties with a regime that continues to kill and displace Syrians and bring terrorist militias to Syria.
The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) highly appreciates the firm Saudi position as a major source of support for the Syrian people and their rightful aspirations, and as a prime mover for reaching a political solution.
We once again stress the importance of the Kingdom’s role in supporting the political process and a solution in accordance with the Geneva Communique of 2012 and UN Security Council resolutions. Implementing these resolutions is key to establishing an effective international mechanism in which all efforts are combined for a solution that ensures an immediate end to the carnage in Syria, the suffering of tens of thousands of detainees in the Assad regime’s prisons, the safe return of refugees and the IDPs, and the implementation of UN resolutions.
We renew our appreciation to all our Arab brothers who stand by the Syrian people, their rights and aspirations, and who are firmly committed to the Arab League and UN resolutions.