Media Statement
Syrian Coalition
Istanbul, Turkey
June 20, 2013
On World Refugee Day, the Syrian Coalition recognizes the sacrifices made by the Syrian refugees inside and outside Syria paying the ultimate price with their own lives for freedom and democracy.
The Syrian Coalition also applauds the Syrian people’s patience throughout these difficult times. More than 5 million people inside and outside Syria have made this sacrifice with no light at the end of the tunnel.
What is happening in Syria is an appalling human tragedy. The Syrian Coalition reaffirms the need for the international community to do more. Blaming Assad’s regime is not enough and will not end the suffering.
The Syrian Coalition urges all concerned parties to assume their responsibilities and find practical solutions to end the deteriorating situation in Syria so the refugees can return to their homes.
We ask for Mercy for our martyrs, health for our wounded, and freedom for our detainees.
Long live Syria and its people, free and with honor.