Press Release
Syrian Coalition
Istanbul, Turkey
January 5, 2014
The Syrian Coalition, and on behalf of the Syrian people, would like to express our deep sense of gratitude to Turkey for the unwavering support to the Syrian people as they face such difficult times. We highly appreciate Turkey’s noble and sincere decision to host Syrian refugees forced to flee the tyrannical regime.
The Syrian Coalition and the Syrian people rejects any and all accusations made against Turkey. The accusations made by those who claim to be part of opposition to are false and are motivated by further supporting the Assad regime. The Syrian Coalition denounces all actions which aim at scoring cheap political points at the expense of the Syrian people and their struggle for democracy.
Turkey’s humanitarian assistance and relief programs aimed at supporting Syrians prove the unwavering support of the Turkish people and government. Turkish assistance underscores the solid relationship between the Syrian and Turkish people; a relationship that will shape the future of the two countries and indeed the whole region.
We have confidence in Turkey’s honorable positions on all fronts, and we would like to convey the Syrian people’s genuine appreciation for all the support Turkey has provided. Thank you Turkey.