There are many challenges faced by the Local Council, here are some of them:
- Weakness in ability to execute, despite the fact that the Local Councils, as we stated before, most of the time came from revolutionary councils whose members were the bravest and most were willing to provide services by threat of guns and shelling. Their selection was not based on available expertise or requested qualifications and so their ability to administer municipal services was weak in most cases.
- A lack of required expertise in administering municipal services since the Local Councils were formed during a developing crisis and most of the people involved in the council had never been involved in such work previously.
- Lack of clear organized structure regarding responsibilities and permissions.
- Lack of clear inability to create good decisions, since there is no decision making mechanism that follows specific guidelines, and instead left to the individuals responsible to decide for whom to provide aid and services.
- Lack of specific details that are depended upon in order to present the needs and draw a clear plan of action. Lack of information is one of the main challenges facing the Local Council. It is not possible in such critical and risky conditions to confirm the accuracy of information provided. There is an increasing demand for aid and services, which increases on a daily basis, and there is not a lot of room to verify information, and it became clear in many cases that information provided could not be depended upon.