Spokesman for the High Negotiations Committee (HNC) Riad Nassan Agha said that the pledges made recently by the major powers to launch airdrops of relief aid to besieged areas in Syria conspicuously denote their failure to introduce aid by land routes to civilians in urgent need for aid.
Agha played down the outcome of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) meeting held in Vienna on Tuesday, especially since Russia, Assad’s staunchest ally and the country that is calling the shots in Syria, was part of the meeting.
Agha questioned the ability of countries present in the latest ISSG meeting to find a peaceful solution in Syria when they are unable to introduce a pack of baby milk to besieged areas.
Prospects for political solution in Syria are now even more meager after the latest Vienna meeting. The Syrian people had hopes that this meeting would be a step forward in the political process; however, it turned out to be ten steps back, Agha added.
Agha went on to say that Russia is hunting down the opposition and doing everything to make it fail. Russia still considers everyone opposed to Assad a terrorist. Agha stressed that the focus has shifted now from launching a new round of negotiations to the situation on the ground which will determine the course of the solution, especially in light of the continued total failure of the international community in Syria. (Source: Syrian Coalition + Alsharq Alawsat)