Co-chair of the Constitutional Committee, Hadi Al-Bahra, briefed the Syrian Opposition Coalition’s (SOC) General Assembly in its 52nd meeting on the progress of the Committee’s work and the results of the third round of talks that concluded in Geneva in late August.
Al-Bahra stressed the importance of the Constitutional Committee’s work as the decision to form it was the first political agreement between the Syrian Negotiations Commission and the Assad regime’s government in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254.
He pointed out that the Committee was mandated with drawing up a draft for comprehensive, substantial constitutional reforms, a concept that is broader than drafting a new constitution for the country. These reforms will include the constitutional practices, namely ways to implement the constitution on the ground, prevent attempts to bypass it, and amend the existing laws in line with the new constitution.
The Committee’s work is being facilitated by the United Nations under the mandate of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, especially Resolutions 2254 and 2118, he added.
Al-Bahra made it clear that the Assad regime is pursuing a strategy that is based on procrastination and avoiding engagement in discussion of the constitutional provisions. He pointed out that “the regime’s commitment to the rules of behavior was acceptable, although it was clear to everyone that the regime is still not truly involved in the essence of the constitutional reform process.”
Al-Bahra stressed that the performance of the SNC’s representatives was good as they dealt positively with the agreed agenda and made constructive proposals in order to achieve a real progress in the Committee’s work. He said that negotiations are underway to agree on the agenda of the next round of talks which is expected to take place in early October. (Source: SOC’s Media Department)