President of the Syrian Coalition Anas Alabdah said that the onslaught on Aleppo by the Assad regime and its allies is a war crime and a deliberate act of extermination as it is intended to displace the city’s residents by force. Alabdah held Russia legally and morally responsible for the deterioration of the political and humanitarian situation in Syria as a result of its actions against the Syrian people.
Alabdah criticized remarks made by Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu who on Thursday said “humanitarian corridors” will be opened for the exit of civilians out of Aleppo. Alabdah stressed that such remarks contravene Russia’s obligations as a permanent member of the UN Security Council as well as violate all international and humanitarian laws.
The Coalition’s president over the past few days sent letters to members of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) and the United Nations urging them to take all necessary measures to force the Assad regime and its allies to stop the brutal onslaught on Aleppo and to lift the siege on the city. Alabdah also consulted with friends of the Syrian people to discuss the latest developments on the ground in Syria, especially in Aleppo.
Alabdah also called on all rebel and FSA groups operating in Aleppo and its countryside to close ranks and unite against the Russian-led onslaught on the city. He also called on all Syrians abroad to go to the streets in capitals across the world to denounce the crimes of the Assad regime and Russia in Aleppo.
Alabdah emphasized that the United Nations and the international community have a responsibility to protect civilians in Aleppo, calling for the implementation of the UN Security Council resolution 2254 regarding lifting the sieges; delivery of humanitarian aid; and stopping bombardment of towns and cities across Syria.
Amnesty International has issued several reports confirming Russia’s involvement in war crimes in Syria and its use of internationally banned weapons such as phosphorous and cluster munitions against Syria’s civilians. Amnesty also accused the Assad regime and Russian forces of deliberately and systematically bombing hospitals in rebel-held areas in Syria. (Source: Syrian Coalition)