President of the Syrian Coalition Anas Alabdah said that the US administration still has a chance to rethink its approach to the Syrian conflict, calling for putting an end to the barbaric onslaught by Russia and the Assad regime on Aleppo. Alabdah said that Russian and Assad regime forces deliberately target aid convoys, civilians, hospitals, and vital civilian infrastructure.
Alabdah made his remarks following an expanded meeting of the Syrian Coalition’s political committee on Monday. The meeting, which included members of the Coalition’s General Assembly and the opposition’s High Negotiations Committee (HNC), reviewed the outcome of the opposition delegation’s meetings held in New York last week and also discussed the deteriorating situation in Aleppo.
The Syrian people have no other option but to close ranks and unite political and military efforts in order to counter the brutal war waged on them by the Assad regime and its allies, Alabdah stressed. New internationally banned weapons, most notably bunker buster bombs, are being used by Russia to quell the revolution amid total failure of the international community to assume its responsibilities to protect Syrian’s civilians, he added.
Alabdah pointed out that the Coalition leadership is sparing no effort to unite political and military efforts and to save the city of Aleppo. He stressed that the revolution forces will not allow Aleppo to fall to the mercenary militias Iran sent to fight alongside the Assad regime forces.
A delegation from the Syrian Coalition and the HNC on Sunday cut short their trip to the United States in response to the unprecedented military escalation by the Assad regime and Russia on Aleppo. The delegation was attending the UN 71st General Assembly meeting.
Friends of the Syrian People are now facing the moment of truth, Alabdah noted, adding that those friends have a duty to support the Syrian revolution that shares with them the values ​​and principles on which their countries were founded. Friends of the Syrian People must not allow tyranny and dictatorship in Syria to prevail. (Source: Syrian Coalition)