President of the Syrian Coalition Anas Alabdah said that the PYD-led battle to liberate Alraqqa city from ISIS under US support is a unilateral act that will lead to disastrous consequences.
In an interview with Rudaw network during a visit to Iraq’s Kurdistan Region, Alabdah said that policies employed by the PYD militias are inconsistent with the Syrian revolution as the PYD have repeatedly targeted Kurdish activists and the leadership of the Kurdish National Council in Syria.
Alabdah stressed the need for the US policy to reach out to all parties and FSA groups that are involved in the fight against ISIS and the Assad regime, adding that “the Assad regime and ISIS are two sides of the same coin.”
“We have already suffered greatly at their hands in many areas. We, therefore, support the eradication of ISIS from any area in Syria,” Alabdah added.
Alabdah explained that the Syrian Coalition has already called for the inclusion of the Kurdish National Council-affiliated Peshmerga forces into the new force which will enter the Azaz area in northern rural Aleppo. He pointed out that the presence of the Peshmerga forces on the Syrian territories would create balance on the ground and ensure safety of the Syrian people in general and the Kurds in particular.
The Syrian Coalition on Monday emphasized that the exploitation by any force, whether local or external, of the fight against terrorism to achieve their own goals is viewed as a new occupation project aimed at breaking the will of the Syrian people.
The Syrian Coalition warned of the consequences of the current US policy that limits effective military support to only one faction with links to the terrorist Assad regime and its allies, and against which independent international reports were released confirming that its actions in Syria amount to war crimes.
The Syrian Coalition warned of the continuation of such crimes by the PYD, adding that the operations of the international coalition in Syria serve the goals of the PYD militias which oppose the common goals of the Syrian people.
The Syrian Coalition urged the US-led international coalition to publicly give guarantees that clearly ensure the right of all refugees and internally displaced persons in Syria to return to their towns and villages and to enable them to manage their affairs through elected local councils without any military or security interference by any party. (Source: Syrian Coalition)