The Syrian Coalition strongly condemns Russia’s direct military intervention in Syria, stressing that by this aggressive act, Russia has moved from supporting Assad in his genocidal war to directly intervene in Syria on the side of an illegitimate and crumbling regime.
The Syrian Coalition’s statement came in response to increasing reports about Russia sending troops to the Syrian coast and airbases. These reports were confirmed by official Russian statements that admitted this intervention, claiming it is supplying weapons to Assad under contracts signed prior to the revolution.
The statement stresses that while Russia’s direct military intervention pits the Russian leadership in hostile position against the Syrian people and amounts to direct occupation of Syrian territory, it runs against Russia’s responsibilities towards peace and international security as a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
The statement pointed out that the Russian direct military intervention in Syria will not succeed in preventing the inevitable collapse of the Assad regime, nor will it grant Assad legitimacy or force Syrians to abandon their demand for freedom. This intervention will lead to more killings, destruction and displacement of the Syrian people.
The statement calls on the international community, the United Nations, the Arab League and Russian people to consider these facts, stressing that Syrians do not want to see a repeat of the Soviet experience in Afghanistan as they not remain silent about the occupation of their land and the shedding of the blood of their children. (Source: Syrian Coalition)