The Coordinator of the Refugee and IDPs Working Group in the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), Ahmad Baccora, met with Francesca Bellini, Director of the Italian Emergency Smiles organization, along with several members of the organization, at its headquarters in the Italian capital, Rome.
Bellini provided an overview of the medical non-governmental organization, which focuses on providing medical and surgical assistance to children in developing countries, particularly in the fields of maxillofacial surgery and correction of facial deformities. The organization aims to bring smiles back to children’s faces by offering free surgical treatments and enhancing their quality of life.
Bellini highlighted the organization’s activities, including dispatching volunteer medical missions comprising 300 Italian doctors to perform specialized operations. Additionally, they conduct training sessions for local medical personnel to ensure the sustainability and self-sufficiency of medical services. The organization also provides medical support in the form of equipment, medications, and supplies, and arranges for the transportation of critical cases to Italy for further treatment.
Baccora commended the humanitarian endeavors of the organization and discussed the conditions and requirements of Syrian refugees in Italy. He emphasized the importance of collaboration to assist Syrian refugees in neighboring countries and enhance the lives of both displaced persons and host communities by establishing medical projects in liberated areas of northern Syria.
Bellini expressed her organization’s readiness for medical and relief cooperation to aid Syrian refugees and displaced persons.
(Source: SOC’s Media Department)