Louay Mekdad, the political and media coordinator of the FSA stressed that the weapons of Syrian Revolutionaries Front, formed by the merger of 15 FSA brigades and battalions, is aimed at Bashar al Assad and his aides. Mekdad denied that the merger has any “other purposes,” adding that “the formation of the Front is not meant to be a message to anyone.” It is important to note that Miqdad earlier denied the existence of any disagreement with the fighting factions. He said: “There is no disagreement between the FSA’s General Staff and the Islamic Front,” and attributed the withdrawal of the Islamic Front from General Staff to differing political visions.” Mekdad stressed that “Assad’s injustice and killing of the Syrian people must unite the revolutionaries’ efforts regardless of the differences on the details.” In addition, he downsized the media frenzy about the withdrawal and said: “We should not exaggerate this development, especially in light of the massacres committed by the Assad regime against civilians.” Mekdad went on: “The coordination on the field between the General Staff and the Islamic Front is at its best, and nobody can deny the sacrifices offered by the Islamic Front and its impact on the ground.” By the end of the interview with the Media Office of the Syrian Coalition, Mekdad expressed certainty about reaching a solution that satisfies the Islamic Front, the General Staff and the Syrian people within a “unified political and military framework, especially since all things are dwarfed compared to the goal that everyone agrees upon, which is toppling the Assad regime. Where as the Army of Islam, one of the warring factions united under the revolutionary armed largest conglomerate called the Islamic Front. This united these battalions and fulfillment for the blood of the mujahid AbdulKader Saleh, who is the core of this revolutionary bloc, as reported by the leaders of the warring factions within the military. It is important to note that Jaish al Islam is one of the fighting factions that joined the biggest revolutionary armed conglomerate called the Islamic Front. The merger of these battalions came as a tribute to the blood of AbdulKader Saleh, who was the core of this revolutionary bloc, according to military leaders of these battalions. The Islamic Front is the first conglomeration that includes armed Kurdish factions that seek to overthrow the regime, indicating the unity of purpose among all spectrums of Syrian people and the inability of the regime to fracture freedom seeking factions. For his part, Colonel Qassem Saad Eddin said to Al Arabiya TV that the “formation of this Front came to unite the FSA’s efforts, and Front’s major goal is toppling the regime. The Front will distance itself from any practice that is considered detrimental to the Syrian people and their revolution, and it will be the nucleus of a national army in the future.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)