A special meeting of the Syrian Coalition’s General Assembly began today to elect a new head of the Syrian interim government and discuss proposals to expand the representation of women in the Coalition.
The General Assembly decided to extend the mandate given to the special committee in charge of expanding the representation of women in the Coalition so as to complete the process of considering biographies of women who want to join the Coalition. 15 women will be selected by the committee out of around 100 candidates according to criteria set out by the Syrian Coalition’s political committee.
In accordance with the revolution’s guiding principles, the level of activism and active participation in the revolution will play an essential role in the selection process, and that is to ensure genuine representation of the communities to which candidates belong as well as to make sure that all Syrian governorates are represented.
Vice-president of the Syrian Coalition Samira Almasalma said that extending the mandate of the special committee in charge of selecting new female Coalition members will make sure all Syrian governorates are represented in the Coalition. “We seek a more active participation by Syrian women in the decision-making process and to make the voices of Syrian women heard loud and clear,” Almasalma said.
The General Assembly also reviewed programs, plans and visions of the candidates for the position of the interim government. The candidates are: Jawad Abu Hatab, Mohammed Walid Thamer, Mohammed Noureddine Hamidi, Mohammed Yasin Najjar and Awad Alali.
The new interim government will be based in Syria to better serve the needs of the civilian population. (Source: Syrian Coalition)