Nasr al-Hariri, Secretary General of the Syrian Coalition, said that the dialogue focused, during the confluence of the officers Secretary-General of the coalition, that “the UN Security Council’s resolution regarding the ant-ISIS campaign cannot tackle the problem of terrorism as it ignored the terror practiced by the Assad regime against the Syrian people,” during a meeting with Riad al-Asa’ad, leader of the Free Syrian Army and a number of officers. “The Assad regime is the source of terrorism in the region, therefore any anti-terror campaign must include helping the Syrian People topple the Assad regime, and the failure to do so would only aggravate the humanitarian crisis and prolong the conflict in Syria.” Hariri said. The FSA’s officers denounced the UN resolution’s failure to include the terrorist militias of Hezbollah and Abu al Fadl al Abbas, whose sectarian crimes against the Syrian people have given rise to extremism in the region.” Hariri stresses that the world is not yet aware that the battle against terrorism cannot be solved only militarily, but must include an organized political process capable of addressing the root causes of extremism. The meager international support for the Syrian national projects, including the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian Coalition, has led to the emergence of other projects that attracted many young people who do not necessarily endorse those projects’ vision. However, we are quite certain that those young people, when provided with the suitable alternative, will be an essential part of the mosaic structure on which the new Syria will be built.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)