A delegation of the Syrian opposition has cut short their trip to the United States in response to the unprecedented military escalation by the Assad regime and Russia on Aleppo. Hundreds of civilians, mostly women and children, have been killed in the city and its countryside since the Assad regime and Russian forces resumed aerial bombardment on the rebel-held areas.
The delegation, led by Riad Hijab, head of the opposition’s High Negotiations Committee (HNC), and Anas Alabdah, president of the Syrian Coalition, met with a number western foreign ministers and world leaders. They condemned the barbaric onslaught launched by the Assad regime and Russian forces on Aleppo.
Hijab criticized the failure and paralysis of the international community regarding the violations and massacres carried out against Syrian civilians by Russia and the Assad regime. He pointed out that it is no longer appropriate to continue a policy which satisfies murderers under the pretext of fighting terrorism. Submitting to the murderers’ conditions and accommodating them violates the charter upon which the United Nations was founded, he added.
Hijab stressed that it is time for the international community and the United Nations to restore the trust they have lost among Syrians, who have become fully convinced that an individual’s nationality is the key factor which determines whether lives are respected in international law. (Source: Syrian Coalition)