The opposition’s High Negotiations Committee (HNC) called upon the UN Security Council to hold an urgent session on the situation in Aleppo in order to protect civilians in the city; break Assad’s sieges; and end impunity for war crimes.
In a letter to the UN Secretary-General on Tuesday, the HNC’s General Coordinator Riyad Hijab condemned Assad’s destruction of Aleppo as “a deliberate act of extermination.” He called on the international community to take concrete steps to protect civilians by taking concrete measures to deter indiscriminate airstrikes across Syria and end the deliberate targeting of medicals facilities and personnel.
The letter called upon the UN to ensure sustained humanitarian access to all residents in Aleppo and across Syria. It also called for ending impunity for war crimes by holding those responsible for war mimes to account.
More than 400,000 civilians in Aleppo are currently on the brink of starvation, as regime forces now fully control the Castello road, the last remaining supply line into the liberated parts of the city. (Source: Syrian Coalition)