The Action Group for the Palestinians of Syria has called for an international investigation into the recent incident that resulted in the tragic death of 78 asylum seekers, including eight Palestinian-Syrians, off the coast of Greece. The group also demanded answers regarding the fate of hundreds of missing individuals involved in the incident.
In a statement issued by the London-based human rights organization, it emphasized that this unfortunate event is not an isolated case and stressed that unless the underlying causes of illegal immigration are addressed, similar tragedies will continue to occur. The group highlighted the international community’s inability to effectively prevent the risky crossings of migrant convoys by land and sea. It emphasized that a comprehensive solution must be sought, or else the suffering and misery of these individuals will only worsen.
The statement further highlighted the plight of Palestinian-Syrians who are still denied entry to most countries worldwide and are forced to navigate extremely challenging conditions to travel. This flagrant violation of their basic rights, as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, was condemned by the group.
Marking World Refugee Day, the organization called on the international community to fulfill its responsibilities towards asylum seekers. It urged concerted efforts to address the underlying problems driving irregular migration, as well as the factors compelling refugees to embark on perilous journeys by sea.
The ill-fated boat that sank last Wednesday off the Greek coast carried hundreds of passengers, including 120 Syrians, in addition to Palestinians, Egyptians, Pakistanis, and others. According to Syrian activists, the majority of Syrian passengers hailed from the southern region of the country, particularly Dara’a province.
(Source: SOC’s Media Department)