Louay Mekdad, the FSA’s political and media coordinator, said that Russia “seeks to achieve the greatest possible interests for the Assad regime at Geneva II through pressuring the revolutionaries to attend the conference.” Mekdad stresses that sitting with the criminal regime at the negotiating table “will end its political isolation and international ostracism, which came in response to the horrific massacres committed against the Syrian people.” Mekdad went on: “The international community and Russia knows that Geneva II would not result in a fatal blow to the Assad regime. If they really had sincere intentions, then they would try to find a solution either through Geneva II or in any other way. The Russians are intelligent, and they certainly know there is no other solution but the departure of Assad.” Mekdad also said that “Geneva II may not take place at the scheduled date due to the absence of the suitable atmosphere.” In response to Assad’s claims that he controls 80% of Syria, Mekdad points out that the Assad regime “will not be able to prevail militarily or regain control. His latest aerial brutal campaign on Aleppo is a sign of his weakness, as he cannot regain control on the ground so he resorts to aerial shelling, killing civilians with barrel bombs.” Mekdad calls on Assad to prepare for receiving “painful blows in the near future from the forces of the Free Syrian Army, which seeks to unite ranks according to well organized military rules.” The political and media coordinator echoed that we must be realistic and admit that the military situation on the ground is what really matters for the international community. It is crucial at the negotiating table, through which we can set our conditions and not allow others to dictate their terms.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)