Vice-president of the Syrian Coalition Muwaffaq Nyrabiya said that the Brussels meeting between the Coalition and the National Coordination Commission has laid the groundwork for more effective mechanisms of joint action aimed at unifying the ranks of the Syrian opposition.
The meeting between the Coalition and the opposition body the National Coordination Commission began in Brussels on Monday and is scheduled to conclude on Wednesday.
“In addition to the importance of reaching a deeper understanding between these two major opposition bodies with regard to the political process, the main goal of the meeting is to further unify the Syrian political opposition and lay the foundations of more effective mechanisms of joint work,” Nyrabiya said.
Nyrabiya expressed hope that the meeting will result in drawing up a new national document developed out of the national covenant document issued after the Cairo Conference in July 2012.
Nyrabiya pointed out that this meeting is important to the struggle against the Assad regime, but also is a necessary step to overcome potential future challenges; in particular tyranny and extremism.
The opening session of the meeting, which was attended by the EU Secretary-General for External Action Service, Alain Le Roy, stressed the need for stepping up efforts to reach a political solution in Syria that achieves the aspirations of the Syrian people and puts an end to their suffering. (Source: Syrian Coalition)