Member of the Syrian Coalition’s political committee Muwaffaq Nyrabiya expressed hope that the United States would take a firm to stand to put an end to the genocidal war being waged by Assad regime as well as its Russian and Iranian allies on the Syrian people.
“The Syrian people have been subjected to the most horrible crimes that will remain a dark stain on humanity as these crimes amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity that requires international intervention to stop them,” Nyrabiya said. “These crimes and Russia’s aggression on Syria are causing rivers of blood; destroying Syria; and have displaced half of the population,” he added.
Nyrabiya’s remarks were made following reports that US military strikes against the Assad regime will be back on the table Wednesday at the White House, when top national security officials in the Obama administration are set to discuss options for the way forward in Syria. The US State Department announced Monday that it was suspending bilateral channels of communication with Russia related to the failed cease-fire deal struck last month.
“We actually no longer trust in words as we have already experienced this back in 2013 when the US Administration drew red lines for Assad in Syria. Unfortunately, the US response to Assad’s crossing for these red lines was frustrating and disappointing,” Nyrabiya said.
Nyrabiya stressed the need for concrete action to deter the Assad regime force it back to the negotiating table in order to bring about a political transition through the formation of a transitional governing body with full executive powers as was stipulated in the UN resolutions on Syria. (Source: Syrian Coalition)