The Syrian Opposition Coalition’s (SOC) political committee held its periodic meeting under the chairmanship of Vice-president Ruba Habboush to discuss the results of the tour that the SOC conducted in rural Raqqa and Hasaka as well as the latest on the ground and political developments.
Members of the committee reviewed the visits and activities that the SOC’s delegation did during its tour in the towns of Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ayn where they met commanders of the civil and military police forces, local councils, and service institutions.
The committee also discussed the situation on the ground, especially the escalating bombings by the Russian forces on civilian targets in the liberated areas. They stressed that these attacks constituted blatant violation of the agreements signed between Turkey and Russia, international laws and norms, and the UN Security Council resolutions on Syria.
Tabled for discussions were also the results of the Brussels donors conference as the committee stressed its considerable importance in light of the Covid-19 outbreak. The committee also stressed the need for states participating in the conference to activate the political process and ratchet up pressure on the Assad regime to agree to a real political solution in accordance with the Geneva Communique of 2012 and UN resolutions 2254 and 2118.
The committee also reviewed the report prepared by the National Commission for the Affairs of Detainees and Missing Persons on the situation of Syrian detainees in Lebanese prisons. It also reviewed the report by the Syndicates and Unions Office and the report by the Office of Refugees and Displaced Persons.
The committee also discussed the constitutional papers on independent bodies, especially the National Commission for Syrian Women and the Youth and Sports Commission. (Source: SOC’s Media Department)