Secretary of the Syrian Coalition’s political committee Riyad al-Hassan said that the committee will hold an emergency meeting on Wednesday to discuss the latest round of negotiations in Geneva.
Al-Hassan said that the meeting will study the proposals put forward by the UN envoy Staffan de Mistura and the paper submitted by the regime’s negotiating delegation. The committee will also study the course of action the High Negotiations Committee (HNC) may take in the next round of the talks.
The meeting will be attended by members of the Syrian Coalition who are members of the HNC, other members of the negotiating team, and the advisory delegation to Geneva.
The decision to hold the meeting came a day after the HNC announced they suspended participation in the negotiations in protest against the continued violations of the truce by the Assad regime and its allies and against their daily killing of the Syrian people.
The meeting was also prompted by the horrible massacre committed earlier today by the Assad regime’s air force in the town of Maaret al-Numan where dozens of civilians were killed and injured in an airstrike on a popular market in the center of the town. (Source: Syrian Coalition)