The Syrian Coalition sent a strongly worded letter to the UN Security Council explaining the atrocities and massacres committed by the Assad regime in the district of Douma in the Damascus suburbs.
The letter, sent by President Khoja to LIU Jieyi, China’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations and the current President of the Security Council, said, “on behalf of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces, it is with great alarm that I draw your attention to the slaughter currently unfolding in the Syrian suburb of Douma and the urgent need for comprehensive Security Council action to stop the Syrian regime’s atrocities, before they result in further bloodshed.”
“Beginning on Thursday 5 February 2015, the opposition-held suburb of Douma became the site of relentless indiscriminate aerial bombardment by Syrian regime forces. Throughout the past week, Syrian regime air forces have pounded this civilian-occupied area with brutal barrel bombs, in direct violation of the principles of discrimination and proportionality enshrined in international humanitarian law, and UN Security Council resolution 2139, which explicitly prohibited “the use of barrel bombs, and methods of warfare, which are of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering” (S/RES/2139 (2014)). These improvised explosive devices have indiscriminately killed, maimed and injured men, women and children,” the letter continued.
Furthermore, Khoja stated, “The Syrian regime’s attacks on Douma and the whole of eastern Ghouta underline the urgent need for comprehensive international action to stem the rising death toll in Syria.”
“It is critical that the Security Council take immediate steps to stop the violence in Douma and across Syria. In the immediate term, the Security Council must meet this week to discuss the situation in Douma and condemn the regime’s use of indiscriminate force; and express in writing its commitment to enforce international law, including Security Council resolutions, in Syria.
Beyond these immediate steps, the Security Council must do far more to ensure the protection of civilians in Syria in accordance with international law.” Khoja said.
Ending of his letter, Khoja intimated that “Assad believes he can mislead the international community because there have been no consequences for his actions so far. This has to change.”