President al-Jarba delivered a speech in the session on the crisis in Syria. He talked about Geneva II and how the Assad regime is shirking its international obligations.
President al-Jarba also met with the German minister of foreign affairs, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and they discussed the progress made in Geneva II. Mr. al-Jarba described how the Assad regime refuses to comply with the international will to implement the Geneva I Communiqué, and how the regime tried to derail negotiations by claiming it was fighting terrorism.
Minister Steinmeier reiterated Germany’s support for the Syrian Coalition, and enquired into the obstacles facing a political solution. Mr. Steinmeier expressed readiness to provide all of the support needed to facilitate reaching a solution that meets the Syrian people’s demands.
President al-Jarba also met with Senator John McCain and a US Congress delegation. Military and non-lethal aid to the Syrian opposition was discussed as well as the post-Assad transitional period. Combating terrorism and the Free Syrian Army’s fighting against the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) were also among the issues discussed in the meetings. Everyone agreed that the Syrian Coalition forms the military and political umbrella for all Syrian oppositional forces.