Khalid Saleh, head of the media office, said that Russia and Iran are responsible for “the continuation of violence and bloodshed of the innocent people over the past three years.” He also said that “the Assad regime added a new episode to his series of crimes by killing nine civilians when his forces bombed Yarmouk camp in southern Damascus.” Local activists in the camp said that regime forces have been besieging the camp of Yarmouk for more than 6 months, blocking the entry of food and medical supplies to the 20,000 trapped civilians.” The spokesman of the Organization of Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees of the United Nations (UNRWA) said that “at least 15 civilians died as a result of hunger in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus after months-old siege.” Saleh denounced Russia’s covering up of the regime’s crimes and the policy of starvation by blocking a UN Security Council resolution that condemns Assad’s forces indiscriminate bombing of civilians.” (Source: Syrian Coalition)