The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) warmly welcomed the joint statement issued by the leaders of the G7 countries regarding Syria. The SOC acknowledged the significance of the G7 leaders’ reaffirmation of their commitment to fostering an inclusive political process in Syria, in alignment with Security Council Resolution 2254. Additionally, the SOC appreciated their unwavering support for holding accountable those responsible for the use of chemical weapons and violations of international law.
In a press release issued on Monday, the SOC commended G7 leaders’ steadfast refusal to normalize relations with the Assad regime until substantial progress is achieved in the political process. Lastly, the SOC applauded their emphasis on the urgent need for unimpeded humanitarian access to reach all Syrians in need, particularly through cross-border UN aid.
The SOC went on to say that “the Syrian people have endured and continue to endure immense sacrifices in the face of the ruthless killing and terror inflicted upon them by the Assad regime and its allies.”
“The legitimate demands of the Syrian people, coupled with the relevant UN resolutions pertaining to Syria, create a moral and legal imperative for the international community to support the aspirations of the Syrian people. It is incumbent upon us to contribute to a genuine transition towards a post-Assad era and empower Syrians to build a new Syria founded upon the principles of freedom, justice, and democracy,” the SOC concluded.
(Source: SOC’s Media Department)