The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) strongly condemned violations of the Syrian airspace by any party, especially the Israeli occupation’s frequent bombardment of targets inside Syria.
In a press release issued on Tuesday, the SOC stressed the Assad regime’s responsibility for these violations having waived Syria’s sovereignty and allowed the Iranian occupier to turn Syria into an arena for regional and international score-settling.
“These violations of can only be ended by restoring Syria’s sovereignty and the freedom of its people as well as establishing a system of rule that meets the aspirations of the Syrian people and ensures the withdrawal of Iran and all of its militias from the entire national territory,” the SOC added.
The SOC added that the Assad regime has always used Israel’s occupation of part of the Syrian territory as an excuse to impose a state of emergency; impose restrictions on the Syrian people; deny Syrians their basic rights; and curtail freedoms.
(Source: SOC’s Media Department)