The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) appealed to the UN to do justice to the Syrian people and provide them with assistance without considering Russia’s use of the veto power, especially following the approval of UN General Assembly Resolution “L.52” which was submitted by Liechtenstein and allows the General Assembly to meet within ten days whenever a veto is used by the five permanent members.
In a press release issued on Thursday, the SOC said that the Syrian people are awaiting three sessions that the UN Security Council will hold on Syria in May regarding the humanitarian situation on May 20, chemical weapons on May 23, and the political process on May 31. The SOC emphasized the importance of these three issues in Syria, and the importance of the appropriate international action towards these issues.
The SOC called on the friends of the Syrian people to work seriously and fairly to reach a resolution in Syria in favor of the Syrian people, by bypassing Russia and China’s veto that was used over the past years in favor of the Assad regime and to prevent any progress in the issue of holding this regime accountable.
“The road has become paved and without a veto in front of the friendly countries to do justice to the Syrian people who have gone through unimaginable suffering in the past eleven years at the hands of the Assad regime, Russia and Iran who committed thousands of war crimes and genocide against them. Al-Tadamon Massacre in Damascus was only one example of thousands of massacres committed in cold blood against defenseless civilians,” the SOC added.
The SOC stressed the need to hold the Assad regime accountable for its many crimes, including those in which it used chemical weapons, and to expel it from all international organizations because it is not a legitimate representative of the Syrian people.
It also called for taking effective action to release the detainees from the regime prisons, and to deal with it according to the chapter VII to achieve international justice. It also calls for the continued delivery of cross-border UN humanitarian aid on a permanent basis and ensure that it reaches families in need while preventing the Assad regime from stealing this aid.
(Source: SOC’s Media Department)