President of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC), Salem Al-Meslet, instructed the Syrian Interim Government (SIG) and the Assistance Coordination Unit (ACU) to take urgent action to confront the outbreak of the leishmaniasis epidemic that has recently spread in several towns and villages in the liberated areas.
According to reports received by the SOC, there has been a serious surge in the number of leishmaniasis cases in the Ras al-Ayn region, especially among children. The number of cases is estimated at more than 15,000.
Al-Meslet urged SIG, ACU and medical centers in the region to coordinate their efforts to stem this epidemic that has recently swept the region.
Al-Meslet called on the local civil and military forces, doctors, civil and relief associations to combine their efforts and provide all forms of support to combat this epidemic.
(Source: SOC’s Media Department)