The Syrian Opposition Coalition’s (SOC) Dialogue Committee held the fifth consultative meeting under the title ‘Towards a National Project’ with the participation of many components from across the spectrum of Syrian society.
The meeting brought together SOC’s Vice-president Oqab Yahya, Secretary-General Abdelbaset Abdullatif, Secretary-General of the political committee Riyad al-Hassan, Coordinator of the Dialogue Committee Abd al-Ilah Fahd, and members of the Committee Bahjat al-Atassi, Muhammad Qaddah, Salem al-Salt and Ahmed Tomeh.
Al-Hassan gave a detailed overview on the political process since its inception in 2011, the milestones it went through, the decisions issued by the Arab League, UN resolutions and the Geneva Communique, and the formation of the Constitutional Committee. He said that its results have been so far disappointing due to the regime’s continued disruption refusal to discuss constitutional provisions.
Hisham Askeif also presented a paper submitted by the Union of Aleppo Revolutionaries in which he talked about the need to pay attention to creating alternative options to support the political process, most notably with regard to governance and administration in the liberated areas.
The SOC’s members answered important questions and inquiries from participants.
The meeting came as part of a series of the national consultative meetings and based on their previous outcomes. It aims to discuss the political reality in Syria in order to draw up a vision of an inclusive national project and confront the challenges facing the Syrian Revolution. (Source: SOC’s Media Department)