The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) met with leaders of the Syrian National Movement Imad al-Din al-Rasheed, Hassan Shalabi, Muhammad Rishi, Abdul Salam Al-Shuqairi, and representative of the Movement in the SOC Badr Jamous.
Participants in the meeting discussed the role of political currents and parties in framing the Syrian people within entities that contribute to the restoration of political life in Syria. Many generations have grown up since the Ba’ath Party took control of power in Syria, knowing only one-party rule away from any form of political pluralism.
They also discussed ways to strengthen the role of Syrian political institutions and the SOC’s components by stepping up community work and encouraging the youth to engage in political work and public affairs.
Participants also stressed the need to strengthen the SOC’s role; step up communication with all organizations and institutions of the Syrian revolution; and develop political visions in line with international and regional changes.
They also discussed the latest on the ground and political developments, especially the Al-Jazira region and east of the Euphrates and the PYD’s dangerous escalation against the people of the region.
(Source: SOC’s Media Department)