President of the Syrian Coalition, Abdurrahman Mustafa, attended the special meeting of the Supreme Council of Syrian Tribes which was held in the town of Sajou near the town of Azaz in northern rural Aleppo on Thursday to form a presidential body.
The meeting brought together tribal leaders and dignitaries as well as representatives of all Syrian tribes. The Council said that participants formed a presidential body, a council of dignitaries, and offices to carry out various tasks “with the aim of serving the Council’s political and social vision.”
The presidential body consists of President of the Council and three deputies, in addition to head of the council of dignitaries and 35 members representing all Syrian tribes.
Rami al-Dush was appointed as president of the Council, while Mamdouh al-Fadous, Amer al-Bashir, and Nawaf al-Farhan were selected as vice-presidents. Mohammed Amin al-Assani was selected as head of the council of dignitaries.
President Mustafa stressed the important role of the Syrian tribes “in preserving the social fabric and safeguarding the unity of the Syrian people and the integrity of Syrian territory.
President Mustafa pointed out that enhancing the role of Syrian tribes “is in the interest of the Syrian revolution and the Syrian people’s demands of regaining freedom and dignity and building a new free, democratic system of rule that respects human rights and dignity.”
“We want to draw attention to something very important,” President Mustafa said. “Without the Syrian tribes it would not have been possible to defeat the ISIS extremist group.”
The participants reiterated their commitment to the principles of the Syrian revolution for freedom and dignity and to ensure that the Syrian revolution achieves its goals of establishing a democratic, civil state that respects all its citizens and ensures they live in dignity.”
They also stressed their commitment to bringing down the “murderous regime” with all its symbols and pillars as they insisted on the withdrawal of all terrorist forces, sectarian militias, and foreign forces hostile to the Syrian people from Syria. They also expressed their categorical rejection of all attempts to change the demographic landscape in Syria. (Source: Syrian Coalition’s Media Department)