The Syrian Coalition’s Supreme Hajj Committee announced the start of the reception of applications for the upcoming Hajj season, stressing it would serve all Syrians in all Syrian territory.
The Syrian Hajj Director Samer Birqdar said the Committee began receiving applications starting from Monday, January 29 until March 8.
Birqdar pointed out that intended pilgrims can contact the Committee’s 13 offices in Syria and neighboring countries.
Birqdar stressed that the Committee serves all Syrians regardless of their places of residence or political affiliation. He noted that the Committee managed Hajj for all Syrian pilgrims from all regions across Syria in previous seasons, adding that the Committee’s offices are working on facilitating Hajj journeys for Syrians living in the regime-held areas.
Nazir al-Hakim, Secretary-General of the Syrian Coalition and Head of the Supreme Hajj Committee, in early January signed pilgrimage contracts for the upcoming hajj season with the Ministry of Hajj in Saudi Arabia for all Syria’s quota of pilgrims this year. The contract will allow 18,000 Syrians to perform hajj for the 2018 season.
The Committee has overseen the hajj journeys for Syrians’ pilgrims for the sixth consecutive year. It is seeking to increase Syria’s quota to pre-war numbers. (Source: Syrian Coalition’s Media Department)